This was a difficult painting to pull off. Taking another shot at glass and transparency is something I've been wanting to do for a while now. I think this attempt was a little more successful, as I've learned quite a bit since the last time. I used masking fluid to preserve the highlights, then I applied a graded wash of grey (a very rich grey I discovered by mixing purple lake and Hooker's green) to the entire painting. A glaze of permanent rose was used to fill the glass with wine and the subtle reflections of the liquid in the stem. Clean water, paper towels, and natural hair brushes were used to lift out the more subtle highlights. I fought with myself about adding more shadows and dark areas. In the end, I decided against it. The painting was finished - I did what I set out to do. In future paintings, I should try to incorporate more shading and contrast. I also need to go back and practice washes over large areas again - yeesh.