Shade is a commodity in the Summer. Even at 8:30 in the morning, it's difficult to find a place where I don't have to constantly squint to get a look at the thing I'm drawing. Between that and the fact that I somehow left my sketchbook at home, today could have been a tragic "no drawing" day. Instead, I rescued a piece of paper from the recycling bin at my desk, taped it to a book and went on an adventure to find something to draw on it. I ended up at a shady corner of the building where trucks deliver crates and palettes of goods to a place near the highway underpass and the train tracks that run perpendicular to it. I decided to try and capture the scene - a small truck blocked by shipping debris, girders and a curb with various plants sprouting from it. I had trouble focusing, but I had a lot of fun trying to get it all down in my seven minute time limit.