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Showing posts from September, 2015

Hotel Living

I've been staying in a hotel for the last 3 months now. It's a nice place, to be sure - but it means I have been away from the bulk of my art supplies for an excruciating amount of time. I finally snapped yesterday, and used a cheap watercolor set to draw this wilting petal I found. Using a brush to guide the pigment and water through paper felt really satisfying - I guess I've really missed that feeling. Also, while my updates have been slow as of late, I can say that I've been really good about keeping up with my sketches. Life will return to normal eventually. As long as there are things to draw on and stuff to draw with, I'll be just fine.


I tend to doodle quite a bit at meetings - but I never attempted to draw the crowd and the presenters before today. One of the big problems I have with drawing people is that they are either constantly in motion or very much aware that they are being watched. In a setting like this, I have a room full of people who are sitting still and looking away from me. Whenever someone new came up to the front to speak, I would make a few attempts at capturing their features - then I would move on to random people in the audience. Some of these turned out pretty good - a great record of that particular moment in time. Others, well, they look pretty nightmarish. Portraits are the thing I would say I am least comfortable with. I suppose that means I need to try drawing (or painting) them more .

A Pile and a Possible Elk

I am attempting some different subjects and different working methods in my daily drawings. I wouldn't say that this project is getting stale - but I think I can use it as an opportunity to do new things and venture out a bit. The elk/deer is based on a statue across the street from where I work. I didn't have a copper color on me, so I challenged myself to use the blue and yellow I had on hand. I had no idea what I was doing - but there is something fun about that.